How to Overcome Exam Stress at Uni

 In Student and Graduate Tips

While you’re at uni, you’ll spend plenty of time socialising and a lot of time studying, but it’s not always in equal measure. In fact, you might spend most of your year heading out and experiencing the student lifestyle – but when the busy exam season arrives, you’ll find yourself based in the library, processing all of the information that you’ve been given throughout the year.

When you’re knee-deep in exam revision, things can get a little bit stressful. You’ll probably wonder how you can find the time to study, socialise, and do all the other things like cooking and cleaning. Don’t worry if you feel like it’s all getting a bit too much for you, because making these few changes can seriously improve your outlook on your upcoming tests.

Plan in Advance
Whether you’re starting out the academic year or you’re just on the verge of sitting your exams, putting a plan in place will make sure that you get the most out of your study sessions leading up to those all-important tests.

Draw yourself a timetable and make sure that you stick to it, taking into account which exams come first and how difficult it’s going to be to learn all of the information required. Leave yourself plenty of time to test yourself on your knowledge, so that you know which topics you need to go over a few more times.

If you’re not too sure how to structure your exam timetable, there are plenty of templates available online that you can print out and pin to your bedroom wall. If you’re digitally-minded, you can plan your studies using your smartphone – apps like My Study Plan give you everything that you need to put together a clear, colour-coded plan. Plus, it’s free of charge!

Change Your Diet
If you’re feeling stressed while you study, it might be down to all the packets of instant noodles that you’re eating. That’s right: your diet has a direct impact on how you feel, and eating the right foods can boost your brainpower and make you feel better at the same time. If you’ve got a grip on your studies, you’re less likely to feel stressed at the thought of sitting your exams, and adding some healthy foods into your weekly shop can improve the way your brain works.

Some examples are…

  • Avocado: this superfood contains plenty of vitamins that keep your body functioning well. Plus, it can lower your blood pressure, which leads to easier blood-flow to your brain, thereby lifting your mood and increasing your brainpower.
  • Nuts: swap out the chocolate and crisps for a healthier bar-snack alternative. Nuts contain plenty of vitamin E, which keeps your cognitive functions on top form. This brain-boosting food will have you answering those problems in no time.
  • Blueberries: mix these up in some Greek yogurt in the morning and you’ll reap the benefits of their antioxidant properties. These help to defend your body from oxidative damage, keeping your brain cells on top form throughout your studies.

This might seem impossible given your busy schedule, but finding time to exercise can help you overcome exam stress. Frequent exercise offers some great benefits for your studies, and this is because it boosts your ability to learn. Just 20 minutes of exercise before a study session can boost your concentration and help you take in more information in the time you have, making those 20 minutes an investment in your studies.

Not only can regular exercise help you learn better, but it helps to relieve stress and boost your mood by releasing neurotransmitters into your body that make you feel good, meaning that 20 minutes of physical activity could give you much-needed motivation before your next study session (and beyond).

And… Relax
Don’t forget to relax when you come to the end of those intense study sessions. Make sure you distract yourself from the work before you go to sleep, otherwise you might find yourself awake at 3am still thinking about the topic you’ve been studying throughout the day.

Ensure that you’ve got a space where you feel both comfortable enough to relax and motivated enough to study throughout your time at uni, because the right atmosphere can make a difference when it comes to the busy exam period.

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