A Part-time Job Guide for Students

 In Other, Student and Graduate Tips

Working part-time as a student is a fantastic way to earn some extra money, enhance your CV, and gain valuable professional experience. Student jobs are extremely popular, in fact, a massive 67% of students have a job while at university according to a survey by Save the Student. There is a huge variety of fun jobs out there for students – here are some of the best to consider:

Working as a waiter is a popular student job that offers the flexibility needed to fit around your study schedule. Many students enjoy the lively atmosphere of working in busy restaurants and performing a customer-oriented role. There is also the opportunity to make friends with people in your team and join in with work social events. Waiters are typically paid minimum wage but have the opportunity to enhance their salary with tips from customers. One Londer waiter interviewed by the Guardian claims to make up to £60 in tips during an 8-hour shift! Most busy restaurants search for part-time waiters throughout the year, so look around your local dining spots to see whether they have any vacancies that would suit you.

If you enjoy spending time outdoors and have some gardening skills, then why not try and make money from your hobby? Gardening is big business, according to the garden experts at Mowers Online – “The average UK person spends around £30,000 on their garden during their lifetime.” You can easily cash in on this trend by offering gardening services to family, friends, and neighbours. With time, you may start making enough money from referrals alone. Starting a small gardening business will give you the freedom and flexibility to choose your own schedule and fit work around your study time. You can easily develop your gardening skills by attending local classes and workshops, or by reading gardening blogs and advice forums online. Other simple ways to make money from gardening include – selling home-grown fruits and vegetables, making chutneys and jams from produce grown in your garden, and offering gardening classes. There are many fun ways to make money from your love of gardening!

If you enjoy teaching, then tutoring may be the perfect student job for you. Tutors can choose which subject and level they want to teach. For instance, you could support primary students with their reading and writing skills, help GCSE or A-Level students prepare for exams, or tutor graduate students a few years below you. Tutoring is an attractive job among students as it offers excellent flexibility and great pay. Most tutors get paid at least £20 per hour, and this can be significantly higher if you’re assisting with exam preparation or teaching a specialist subject such as a foreign language. With tutoring, you have the option to offer private tuition services on a freelance basis, apply for a job at a tuition centre, or try online tuition with a tutoring company. If you are interested in offering private tuition, you should register and create an account on popular tutor forums like Tutorfair and Superprof.

Brand ambassador
As a student, you offer something extremely valuable to brands as you have a direct insight into the student market. For that reason, a lot of well-known brands look to hire student ambassadors to promote their company online. Working as a brand ambassador could be the ideal job if you’re an outcoming and social person. You will have the opportunity to attend fun events, make lots of friends, and you may even get amazing discounts on the products you’re promoting! This type of work is especially useful if you’re hoping to pursue a career in marketing or public relations after you graduate. You will have the chance to develop your skills, add impressive experience to your CV, and build valuable contacts in your chosen industry.

If you have experience caring for younger siblings and are good with children, then childminding could be the perfect way to make some extra money while studying. Busy parents are often looking for responsible adults to watch over their children after school, in the evenings, or at the weekends. As a childminder, you may be required to pick children up from school, prepare their meals, help them with their homework, and get them ready for bed. To be offered work as a childminder, you will typically require some experience caring for children and a driving license is usually an advantage. The job is great for students as it’s extremely flexible and the pay is usually pretty decent as well!

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